FxPro offers integrated risk management with the MT4 platform WebTrader

Carlo07/10/14 (updated 6 years, 10 months ago)fxpro, webtrader, cfd, forex, mt4

FxPro offers integrated risk management with the MT4 platform WebTrader
FxPro offers integrated risk management with the MT4 platform WebTrader


Here is some news that will delight FxPro customers and traders alike looking for effective tools to protect themselves against trading losses and negative balances. The Forex and CFD broker is offering a new online trading service requiring no download, and which includes real time statistical risk information.

Good news

With FxPro's WebTrader you get real time access to the performance of your trading activity in real time covering up to 30 days. In addition to that you, can measure the level of risk involved in the way you deal, and therefore adapt your methodology dependent on the desired level of risk.


FxPro's WebTrader is freely available to any newly opened account with the broker FxPro.

Visit the broker's website

Last updated on 30/11/17