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José Mourinho becomes XTB’s official ambassador

José Mourinho becomes XTB’s official ambassador

Admin 17 Oct, 2020 0

For the next two years, José Mourinho will be one of the faces representing online brokerage company XTB. If his name sounds familiar, it is because Mourinho is a famous Portuguese football manager who has coached great European teams. He is currently the head of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club.

John McAfee arrested on tax evasion charges

John McAfee arrested on tax evasion charges

Admin 17 Oct, 2020 0

Antivirus creator John McAfee has been arrested in Spain for tax evasion. He now faces extradition to the United States where he was charged. John McAfee has not publicly commented on these charges but, if found guilty, risks a prison sentence of up to 30 years.